We believe that a Countax is the world’s most advanced garden tractor
Premium quality engines
Countax only fit premium grade engines. Each one is selected for its durability, power, fuel economy and low noise operation.
Four-wheel drive
Our four-wheel drive system turns a B Series into a ‘go anywhere, mow anywhere’ garden tractor capable of tackling slopes, mud and rough terrain.
Power take-off
The Countax garden tractor Power Take-off (PTO) enables a variety of powered attachments to be run by utilising the drive of the tractor’s engine.
Heavy-duty construction
A Countax is ‘over engineered’, built to professional standards and is more than capable of taking the knocks and bumps of everyday use
Easy-to-use controls
All Countax tractors have been designed to be easy to use. Controls and switches are positioned within easy reach of the operator and levers are engineered to be light-weight to use.
OMS / Dashboard display
OMS is a simple-to-use dashboard display. Everything you need to know about your tractor available in one location.